If you’ve been considering a destination wedding but you’re not sure where to head to then you’re in luck. Flowercard, a UK based company specialising in floral giftcards, has compiled a list of the best places to go.
Flowercard’s list, “The 2020 Destination Wedding Index” compiles data of all things wedding. They conducted a study into the best places to get married, and their methodology was quite thorough! First, they selected destinations from a variety of sources including theknot.com, junebugweddings.com, hitched.co.uk, and brides.com. They then took into consideration the best times for wedding ceremonies in each destination. Weather was included in this consideration, of course.
Another consideration they took into account included LGBTQ+ friendliness, with their information coming from ilga.org. Instagram hashtags and searches also featured in their method. Finally, with the use of Google Keyword Planner, they figured out how many monthly searches there were for each place in relation to weddings by searching “Getting married in X”.
After gathering all the information, they ranked destinations using a weighted ranking system. They broke elements down into four categories including weather, cost, LGBTQ+ and online popularity. Each factor was weighted equally.
It is important to remember that much of the data they collected was UK specific (such as monthly google searches). This means the results may have been slightly different had the research been done in other countries. Nevertheless, the information is still very useful!
Here are their top 10 destinations and their overall scores (x/100):
1. Las Vegas, Nevada, USΒ
Score: 70.1
2. Sydney, Australia
Score: 68.67
3. Majorca, Spain
Score: 67.47
4. Perth, Australia
5. Brisbane, Australia
Score: 67.00
6. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Score: 64.81
7. Loire Valley, France
Score: 64.14
8. Valencia, Spain
Score: 63.80
9. Cannes, France
Score: 62.10
10. Madrid, Spain
Score: 62.01
Find their full list with all details here.
Image: Instagram / SydneyΒ