Recently, it’s become almost like a fun guessing game: Does the bride have decor on the soles of her shoes? Does the groom? Some couples have taken to writing messages for each other there, some brides have inspirational words and some just want a fancy decoration. We have some brilliant ideas that will sweep you off your feet.
Messages to each other
Reading a heartfelt letter from your soon-to-be spouse just before the wedding is a special moment. Save the trees and write it on their shoes.

These are especially great for pictures. If there are song lyrics, quotes or anything else you like, you can split it so that both of your shoes complete it together.

Personalised stickers
There might be a specific theme you want to carry, or something that’s meaningful or beautiful to you that you want to use. It could be your new surname, the date of the wedding, anything really. The options are endless.

Picture: Etsy