A wedding day is a time for celebration. Chances are, however, some might celebrate a bit too hard. Wedding hangovers can be pretty harsh for your guests, so why not help them recover?
Wedding hangover kits have become popular wedding favours in recent years. What’s great about this favour is that it’s easily DIY’ed, and couples can add whatever they want.

If you plan on making your own kit, consider adding some of these items:
– Over-the-counter pain pills, e.g Panado for those pounding headaches
– A bottle of water to prevent a dry throat
– An eye mask to reduce puffiness
– plasters for those blisters after dancing all night long
– A granola bar for energy
– sunglasses to hide those bloodshot eyes
– gum or mouth wash
– a mini bottle of alcohol because… you know, hair of the dog

Feature image: Unsplash